This is Miss Tito's Netball Team, I am on the bottom next to Vivienne. This is when we finished our game challenging Holly Cross. I love playing netball it is my sports. My favourite netball player for Silver Fern's is Maria Tutaia. I love Miss Tito she is the best coach ever and Mrs Nua. Thank you for reading.
WOW Mary that is some good writing there I can tell that you really like Netball. keap up the good work
from Te Rina.
Hi Mary.L
Wow I really like your sentence. But I think it would nice if you added in more details for us readers that want to know more. How did you fell on your last game? Was it fun was it exhausting was Ms Tito a good coach?
Great writing, keep it up!
From Turuhira,
Hi Mary,
I love this post for one reason, I am in the picture. No just joking. I love your writing. I can see that you guys are puffed out in the picture. You all still look pretty.
Keep up the good writing.
From Makerita.
What a lovely picture! Mary L I just went through your blog and I think this is the best picture in your blog it is the bomb and it really looks like everyone in this school knows that you love the sports called netball.You Vivienne Litia and Ramona looks very overwhemed and looks beautiful in the picture also you guys have and big smile and we will have a great game all together.
love by Caroline
Hi mary
you are really good at netball you are the best.
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